Bucket lists

I have told before, about Goals, what they are and why they are important in my older post Personal Goals : Milestones to Success.
In this post we will be talking about one of the most famous and interesting techniques of Goal Setting, The Bucket Lists.

Bucket lists are fun to make and when you strike the items off the list. Well, believe me the satisfaction is beyond what one can possibly define in words.

Now, bucket lists can be of variety of types. There can be a list of things of to do before a certain age or in a particular area of your life but the original meaning of bucket list is to collect and make a list of things that you want to do before you hit the bucket i.e. before you sleep peacefully in death.


There are a few websites which allow you to make an account and create a bucket list.
You can join other people and see them accomplish their goals, tell them a story about how you ticked off something off your list.

Go on have a look, if you don’t like to tell your bucket list to others, make a list on pen and paper. But do make one and update it regularly.
